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[es] _explain 본문
아마도 이런 스타일의 글 때문에도 애드센스 심사에서 빠꾸를 먹는것 같다.
구백글은 쉽게 받았는데 .. 젠장..
자주쓰는 명령어를 모아보잣
색인된 도큐먼트의 역 인덱스의 내용을 확인할 때는 도큐먼트 별로 _termvectors API를이용해서 확인
GET <인덱스>/_termvectors/<도큐먼트id>?fields=<필드명>
특정 문서가 쿼리와 일치하는(또는 일치하지 않는) 이유에 대한 정보를 반환합니다.
GET /<index>/_explain/<id>
POST /<index>/_explain/<id>
Elasticsearch 에서는 분석된 문장을 _analyze API를 이용해서 확인할 수 있습니다. 토크나이저는 tokenizer, 토큰 필터는 filter 항목의 값으로 입력하면 됩니다. 토크나이저는 하나만 적용되기 때문에 바로 입력하고, 토큰필터는 여러개를 적용할 수 있기 때문에 [ ] 안에 배열 형식으로 입력
GET hyper-item/_termvectors/1657301588000FA6F960FF6852F49090B7451CB85EC2E?fields=searchItemNm
GET hyper-item/_doc/1657301588000FA6F960FF6852F49090B7451CB85EC2E/_explain
"query" :{
POST hyper-item/_analyze
"analyzer": "index_analyzer",
"text": "_마티니로쏘_750ML"
POST hyper-item/_analyze
"analyzer": "search_analyzer",
"text": "과자"
POST _analyze
"tokenizer": "standard",
"filter": [ "lowercase", "asciifolding" ],
"text": "Is this déja vu?"
과자를 검색하면 와인이 걸리는 ..
일단 이슈는 상품명이 저렇게 생겼는데 ..
다양한 뻘짓을 통해 이유는 알아냈지만
좀 편하게 알아내는 법이 없을까..
상품명의 텀
"_index" : "hyper-item_2023.",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "1657301588000FA6F960FF6852F49090B7451CB85EC2E",
"_version" : 2,
"found" : true,
"took" : 0,
"term_vectors" : {
"searchItemNm" : {
"field_statistics" : {
"sum_doc_freq" : 16173194,
"doc_count" : 1844854,
"sum_ttf" : 18146375
"terms" : {
"750" : {
"term_freq" : 1,
"tokens" : [
"position" : 5,
"start_offset" : 15,
"end_offset" : 18
"750ml" : {
"term_freq" : 1,
"tokens" : [
"position" : 6,
"start_offset" : 15,
"end_offset" : 20
"ml" : {
"term_freq" : 1,
"tokens" : [
"position" : 7,
"start_offset" : 18,
"end_offset" : 20
"드라이" : {
"term_freq" : 1,
"tokens" : [
"position" : 2,
"start_offset" : 5,
"end_offset" : 8
"로" : {
"term_freq" : 1,
"tokens" : [
"position" : 1,
"start_offset" : 3,
"end_offset" : 4
"로쏘" : {
"term_freq" : 1,
"tokens" : [
"position" : 4,
"start_offset" : 12,
"end_offset" : 14
"비노" : {
"term_freq" : 1,
"tokens" : [
"position" : 3,
"start_offset" : 9,
"end_offset" : 11
"프레첼" : {
"term_freq" : 1,
"tokens" : [
"position" : 0,
"start_offset" : 0,
"end_offset" : 3
쿼리 explain
GET hyper-item/_doc/1657301588000FA6F960FF6852F49090B7451CB85EC2E/_explain
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"function_score": {
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "과자",
"fields": [
"type": "cross_fields",
"operator": "AND",
"slop": 0,
"prefix_length": 0,
"max_expansions": 50,
"zero_terms_query": "NONE",
"auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query": false,
"fuzzy_transpositions": true,
"boost": 1
"functions": [
"filter": {
"match_all": {
"boost": 1
"weight": 0
"filter": {
"match_all": {
"boost": 1
"script_score": {
"script": {
"source": "category_boost_df",
"lang": "boost_script",
"params": {
"operation_score": 1000,
"field": "category.cateCdGroup",
"category_id": "200095",
"default_score": 1000,
"operation_mode": "+"
"filter": {
"match_all": {
"boost": 1
"script_score": {
"script": {
"source": "category_boost_df",
"lang": "boost_script",
"params": {
"operation_score": 1000,
"field": "category.cateCdGroup",
"category_id": "300633",
"default_score": 1000,
"operation_mode": "+"
"score_mode": "sum",
"boost_mode": "replace",
"max_boost": 3.4028235e+38,
"boost": 1
"filter": [
"range": {
"saleStartDt": {
"from": null,
"to": "now/m",
"include_lower": true,
"include_upper": true,
"boost": 1
"range": {
"saleEndDt": {
"from": "now/m",
"to": null,
"include_lower": true,
"include_upper": true,
"boost": 1
"multi_match": {
"query": "Y",
"fields": [
"type": "best_fields",
"operator": "OR",
"slop": 0,
"prefix_length": 0,
"max_expansions": 50,
"zero_terms_query": "NONE",
"auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query": true,
"fuzzy_transpositions": true,
"boost": 1
"bool": {
"should": [
"terms": {
"itemStoreInfo.storeId": [
"boost": 1
"term": {
"shipMethod": {
"value": "TD_DLV",
"boost": 1
"term": {
"storeType": {
"value": "DS",
"boost": 1
"adjust_pure_negative": true,
"boost": 1
"adjust_pure_negative": true,
"boost": 1
search profiler
explain 결과값
"_index" : "hyper-item_2023.",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "1657301588000FA6F960FF6852F49090B7451CB85EC2E",
"matched" : true,
"explanation" : {
"value" : 2000.0,
"description" : "sum of:",
"details" : [
"value" : 2000.0,
"description" : "min of:",
"details" : [
"value" : 2000.0,
"description" : "function score, score mode [sum]",
"details" : [
"value" : 0.0,
"description" : "product of:",
"details" : [
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "constant score 1.0 - no function provided",
"details" : [ ]
"value" : 0.0,
"description" : "weight",
"details" : [ ]
"value" : 1000.0,
"description" : "script score function, computed with script:\"Script{type=inline, lang='boost_script', idOrCode='category_boost_df', options={}, params={operation_mode=+, operation_score=1000, field=category.cateCdGroup, category_id=200095, default_score=1000}}\"",
"details" : [
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "_score: ",
"details" : [
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "max of:",
"details" : [
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "(brandNmEng:스낵 | brandNmEng:스넥 | brandNmEng:쿠키 | brandNmEng:비스켓 | brandNmEng:비스킷 | brandNmEng:비스캣 | brandNmEng:프레첼 | brandNmEng:샌드 | brandNmEng:웨하스 | brandNmEng:과자 | brandNmKor:스낵 | brandNmKor:스넥 | brandNmKor:쿠키 | brandNmKor:비스켓 | brandNmKor:비스킷 | brandNmKor:비스캣 | brandNmKor:프레첼 | brandNmKor:샌드 | brandNmKor:웨하스 | brandNmKor:과자 | itemOptionNms:스낵 | itemOptionNms:스넥 | itemOptionNms:쿠키 | itemOptionNms:비스켓 | itemOptionNms:비스킷 | itemOptionNms:비스캣 | itemOptionNms:프레첼 | itemOptionNms:샌드 | itemOptionNms:웨하스 | itemOptionNms:과자 | promoKeyword:스낵 | promoKeyword:스넥 | promoKeyword:쿠키 | promoKeyword:비스켓 | promoKeyword:비스킷 | promoKeyword:비스캣 | promoKeyword:프레첼 | promoKeyword:샌드 | promoKeyword:웨하스 | promoKeyword:과자 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:스낵 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:스넥 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:쿠키 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:비스켓 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:비스킷 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:비스캣 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:프레첼 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:샌드 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:웨하스 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:과자 | searchKeyword:스낵 | searchKeyword:스넥 | searchKeyword:쿠키 | searchKeyword:비스켓 | searchKeyword:비스킷 | searchKeyword:비스캣 | searchKeyword:프레첼 | searchKeyword:샌드 | searchKeyword:웨하스 | searchKeyword:과자 | category.dcateNm:스낵 | category.dcateNm:스넥 | category.dcateNm:쿠키 | category.dcateNm:비스켓 | category.dcateNm:비스킷 | category.dcateNm:비스캣 | category.dcateNm:프레첼 | category.dcateNm:샌드 | category.dcateNm:웨하스 | category.dcateNm:과자 | searchItemNm:스낵 | searchItemNm:스넥 | searchItemNm:쿠키 | searchItemNm:비스켓 | searchItemNm:비스킷 | searchItemNm:비스캣 | searchItemNm:프레첼 | searchItemNm:샌드 | searchItemNm:웨하스 | searchItemNm:과자)",
"details" : [ ]
"value" : 1000.0,
"description" : "script score function, computed with script:\"Script{type=inline, lang='boost_script', idOrCode='category_boost_df', options={}, params={operation_mode=+, operation_score=1000, field=category.cateCdGroup, category_id=300633, default_score=1000}}\"",
"details" : [
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "_score: ",
"details" : [
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "max of:",
"details" : [
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "(brandNmEng:스낵 | brandNmEng:스넥 | brandNmEng:쿠키 | brandNmEng:비스켓 | brandNmEng:비스킷 | brandNmEng:비스캣 | brandNmEng:프레첼 | brandNmEng:샌드 | brandNmEng:웨하스 | brandNmEng:과자 | brandNmKor:스낵 | brandNmKor:스넥 | brandNmKor:쿠키 | brandNmKor:비스켓 | brandNmKor:비스킷 | brandNmKor:비스캣 | brandNmKor:프레첼 | brandNmKor:샌드 | brandNmKor:웨하스 | brandNmKor:과자 | itemOptionNms:스낵 | itemOptionNms:스넥 | itemOptionNms:쿠키 | itemOptionNms:비스켓 | itemOptionNms:비스킷 | itemOptionNms:비스캣 | itemOptionNms:프레첼 | itemOptionNms:샌드 | itemOptionNms:웨하스 | itemOptionNms:과자 | promoKeyword:스낵 | promoKeyword:스넥 | promoKeyword:쿠키 | promoKeyword:비스켓 | promoKeyword:비스킷 | promoKeyword:비스캣 | promoKeyword:프레첼 | promoKeyword:샌드 | promoKeyword:웨하스 | promoKeyword:과자 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:스낵 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:스넥 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:쿠키 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:비스켓 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:비스킷 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:비스캣 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:프레첼 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:샌드 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:웨하스 | itemStoreInfo.eventInfo.eventKeyword:과자 | searchKeyword:스낵 | searchKeyword:스넥 | searchKeyword:쿠키 | searchKeyword:비스켓 | searchKeyword:비스킷 | searchKeyword:비스캣 | searchKeyword:프레첼 | searchKeyword:샌드 | searchKeyword:웨하스 | searchKeyword:과자 | category.dcateNm:스낵 | category.dcateNm:스넥 | category.dcateNm:쿠키 | category.dcateNm:비스켓 | category.dcateNm:비스킷 | category.dcateNm:비스캣 | category.dcateNm:프레첼 | category.dcateNm:샌드 | category.dcateNm:웨하스 | category.dcateNm:과자 | searchItemNm:스낵 | searchItemNm:스넥 | searchItemNm:쿠키 | searchItemNm:비스켓 | searchItemNm:비스킷 | searchItemNm:비스캣 | searchItemNm:프레첼 | searchItemNm:샌드 | searchItemNm:웨하스 | searchItemNm:과자)",
"details" : [ ]
"value" : 3.4028235E38,
"description" : "maxBoost",
"details" : [ ]
"value" : 0.0,
"description" : "match on required clause, product of:",
"details" : [
"value" : 0.0,
"description" : "# clause",
"details" : [ ]
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "saleStartDt:[-9223372036854775808 TO 1683622859999]",
"details" : [ ]
"value" : 0.0,
"description" : "match on required clause, product of:",
"details" : [
"value" : 0.0,
"description" : "# clause",
"details" : [ ]
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "DocValuesFieldExistsQuery [field=saleEndDt]",
"details" : [ ]
"value" : 0.0,
"description" : "match on required clause, product of:",
"details" : [
"value" : 0.0,
"description" : "# clause",
"details" : [ ]
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "(docDispYn:Y | rsvDocDispYn:Y)",
"details" : [ ]
"value" : 0.0,
"description" : "match on required clause, product of:",
"details" : [
"value" : 0.0,
"description" : "# clause",
"details" : [ ]
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "ConstantScore(itemStoreInfo.storeId:20163 itemStoreInfo.storeId:37) shipMethod:TD_DLV storeType:DS",
"details" : [ ]
GET hyper-item/_analyze
"analyzer": "search_analyzer",
"text": [
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